Teaching Styles In Lower-Secondary Physical Education Lessons: Teachers’ Attitudes And Experiences
This paper presents the results of the second part of research into the use of teaching styles in Physical Education lessons at the lower-secondary schools. The objective was to analyse the attitudes of selected teachers to different teaching styles in the context of the priorities to Physical Education and their own experience of teaching. The purpose of this research is to place the results of the investigation, which describes what teaching styles are used in teaching, in the broader context of a teachers thinking. The data collection method for the analysis was a structured interview, which consisted of two main parts. The first, a debate on the priorities and objectives of Physical Education, such as teaching styles and experiences with these styles. The second part consisted of an analysis of a specific teaching situation from the video, captured for the first part of the research. This focuses on the didactic grasp of the subject matter. The results of interviews showed that although none of the interviewed teachers teaching styles as didactic theory, they were unaware of some of the principles of this theory that can intuitively operate and therefore be aware of their benefit.
physical education; teaching style; teacher; interview; analysis; system of categories
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