Dependency Of Market Value Of A Team On The Result Achieved At The FIFA World Cup 2014 In Brazil



This paper presents a comparison of total market values of football teams that attended the FIFA World Cup 2014 in Brazil. The market value of a team is equal to the total market value of all the players in the team, regardless of whether they competed in the game. The Spanish team had the highest market value and the Honduran team had the lowest. The total market value of the teams is then related to their success (or lack of success) at the World Cup, represented by the total number of points gained. The results of regression and correlation analysis show the medium effect of the market value of a team based on the result achieved at the World Cup 2014. The correlation coefficient value is 0.53. Another goal was to determine the effectiveness of national football teams at WC 2014 as a ratio of team quality (represented by the total market value of the team) and the total number of points achieved at the tournament. From this point of view the most effective team was the Costa Rican team, while the English team was the least effective.

football; World Cup; market value; effectiveness


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