The Development Of An Organizational Base Of The Sport In The Czech Republic Until 2013
The organizational base of Czech sport is going through a deep crisis. There are decreases in the number of its members. The adverse demographic developments after 1990 had a negative effect on the the age structure and the declining number of women etc. Significantly this phenomenon itself manifests in changes of financing of activities of sports clubs after the bankruptcy of the SAZKA company. The aim of this article is to highlight growing negative trends in the development of membership which are associated with the decline of financial resources, which was provided to sports organizations by SAZKA. The second important factor is the low birth rate in the Czech Republic after r. 1990, resulting in a lower number of children. For text processing, secondary analysis of statistical data was used which included information from Statistics of ČSTV (Český svaz tělesné výchovy), ČUS (Česká unie sportu) and other sports organizations. The paper abstracts from other factors associated with the deepening individualization of the Czech society after 1990 which is apparently also reflected in the negative trend in the formal participation of the Czech citizens in the Czech sports environment.
membership; organizational base; sport; statistic
Novotný, Jiří, a kol. (2011) Sport v ekonomice. 1. vyd. Část I. Praha: Wolters Kluwer ČR, 2011. 512 s.
Strachová, M. Sport a Český svaz tělesné výchovy po r. 1989. (2013). Masarykova univerzita, Fakulta sportovních studií: Brno. Statistika ČSTV 1974 – Výsledky statistického šetření k 31. 12. 1974, Edited by Organizační oddělení ÚV ČSTV 1975, only for internal use.
Statistika ČSTV 1984 – Výsledky statistického šetření k 31. 12. 1984, Edited by Organizační oddělení ÚV ČSTV 1985, only for internal use.
Statistika ČSTV 1988 – Výsledky statistického šetření k 31. 12. 1988 Edited by Organizační oddělení ÚV ČSTV 1989, only for internal use.
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Česká unie sportu. Co je ČUS? [online]. Dostupné z: [cit. 2014-07-14]. ČASPV: Anniversary reports ČASPV on [cit. 2014-07-09] Sokol on [cit. 2014-07-10]
Orel on [cit. 2014-07-10]
Asociace tělovýchovných jednot a sportovních klubů: Anniversary reports on [cit. 2014-08-12]

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