Specific Features of Sport and their Influence on Entrepreneurship in Sport



In the field of sport, we are currently witnessing a rapid increase in the number of innovations which are enhancing sports products, sport experience and related services and which are a rich source of entrepreneurial opportunities not only in professional sport but also in the public and non-profit sport sector. Therefore, in this paper the links between sport specific features, sport-based entrepreneurship and innovations are explored. The proposed conceptual framework of innovation  based entrepreneurship in sport provides researchers with the foundation upon which further research in this area can be developed. This paper also offers an interpretation of the context of how innovations occur in sport entrepreneurship. On the basis of the typologies of innovation and sport specific features this paper addresses several issues regarding innovations in sport-based entrepreneurship. The papers also highlights the need for clarification of the concept of sport specific innovations which could help sports managers recognize, encourage and give priority to sports innovations as a key driver of entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship in sport.

sport specific features; sport-based entrepreneurship; typology of innovations


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