Development Strategy Of Roma Sports As A Tool Of Sport Integration



According to the National Roma Self-Government Hungary (NRSG) and the Government of Hungary framework agreement, NRSG undertook with Government support to implement and involve community and personality shaping sports activities for a Roma youth sports program of 30,000 young Roma people. Conceptual development of the sport in 2012, the NRSG launched the sport integration project, which is ongoing to extend the national level. Hungary was the first to set up a sports integration program that develops through boxing of the young Roma people and disadvantaged people skills and help the completion of the integration process. Research related to sports and education have been a reported trend, in which the positive effect of physical activity on the achievement of the studies are demonstrated. The main component of the sports integration project is also to develop the progression of study and the sports skills, mastery of healthy lifestyle habits. Teachers help young people in education and in the appropriate studies, while in sport the experts hand over the characteristics of boxing. The NRSG expand the sports integration program on regions of Hungary, where mainly Roma minorities live and disadvantaged young people. The effectiveness of sports programs today is reflected well but we can report the outcome after 2–7-year period. According to the concept, sports training and education takes place at the same time that a complex influence on the development of skills in learning the social norms and the acquisition of literacy. NRSG sports programs are multi-threaded through the integration of high socialisation activities lined with sports programs managed by the Local Government, schools sports programs and grass-roots organization sports programs. The sports programs are essential elements in the development of skills in the field of physical and mental activity. We want to offer a life course model of the Roma minorities and of the disadvantaged young people, showing the directions that give them an opportunity to break out from negative social medium. The integration of sports programs can be effective of 8–18 year-old children whom are still benefitting from socialisation, behaviour development. NRSG provides an opportunity to catch up on the most vulnerable young people through sport with the nationwide, three-level sports integration projects across the country.

sport; integration; Roma; inclusion; minorities


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