An Investigation on Conspicuous Consumption from Perspective of Sport Products
The conspicuous consumption among the young generation of consumers is a general trend in sport goods. The purpose of the study is to reveal the dimensions of conspicuous consumption related to sport products and to analyse the effects of conspicuous consumption on consumer happiness. Self-administered questionnaires were collected from 680 university students in a city of Eskisehir in Turkey. The results of the analysis reveal four valid dimensions (happiness and wellbeing, status, prestige, and symbolic product characteristics) and indicate a significant relationship between conspicuous consumption dimensions and happiness and wellbeing as a dependent variable. In conclusion, the three factors, underlying conspicuous consumption, plays a critical role in the marketing and consumer behaviour context, and that the managers of sport products should pay attention to the larger part of the young generation.
conspicuous consumption; consumer behavior; sport consumption; Turkey
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