Analysis Of Changes Of Mental State Caused By Psychological Stress During Match In Football Referees
A rank correlation between component of anxious expectations and fears before a match and the component of depression after the match in the personality of football referees was statistically proven in the past. We presume that there is a possibility that this relationship is in fact qualified by the temperament of referees. We evaluated subjective psychological experiences and states of 26 football referees through a standardised questionnaire, SUPSO. The questionnaire was administrated twice: directly before the match and immediately after the game. Using Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient and partial correlation coefficient, we searched for a causal link among the values of the component of anxious expectations and fears before the match, the values of the component of depression after the match, and the referee’s temperament. Results suggested that the direct bond between the two components remained significant even after exclusion of the influence of referee’s temperament.
SUPSO; temperament; correlation analysis; football referee
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