Association between Body Composition and Cardiovascular Fitness



The purpose of this study was to examine associations between body composition and cardiorespiratory fitness in Slovak high school students. Data on body composition and cardiorespiratory fitness were obtained from students attending 14 high schools in Presov self-governing region. Body composition was measured using a direct segmental multi-frequency bioelectrical impedance analyser InBody 230 (Biospace, 2006). Cardiorespiratory fitness was determined by multistage shuttle run and the Ruffier test. The results showed that boys had higher level of cardiorespiratory fitness indicated by VO2max and Ruffier index than girls across all age groups. Overall, maximal oxygen uptake of both boys and girls increased with age. According to VO2max the level of cardiorespiratory fitness was poor for boys and girls. The physical development was found to be normal as expressed by BMI. Mean values of WHR and VFA showed normal degree of abdominal obesity and visceral fatness. Correlation analysis showed inverse association of percent body fat and waist-hip ratio with performance in multistage shuttle run for both genders. The height of girls negatively correlated with performance in Ruffier test. There were no statistically significant associations between Ruffier index and body composition measured in boys.

health; adolescence; physical fitness; fatness


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