Changes Of Body Composition After Acute Exercise



For the correct designation of body composition parameters by the bioimpedance methods it is important to keep all the range of conditions relating to measured individuals. The often-mentioned restrictions was also the interval of measuring from the acute physical load for at least 8 hours. The goal of our study is to find out the extent of changes at the parameters of the body composition by the bioimpedance method before and during the process of recovery and to specify the necessary time distance between measuring and the load. Methods; 45 people took part in the study. For the designation of a body composition, we used the device BIA 2000-M. We measured the values of body composition before the load test, then within 5 minutes after and finally in 60th minute after the test. Tested individuals underwent the load test VO2max on a treadmill ergometer. While measuring of a body composition by the bioimpedance methods 60 minutes after the treadmill ergometer load test. No statistically or factually significant changes at any of the values of the body composition and so it is possible to undergo this measuring without distortion of results, e. g. by the influence of loss or redistribution of fluids as a reaction change to the load test. While measuring of parameters of body composition right after the load there were noticeable significant changes on more parameters especially on resistance on 50 kHz. Despite the fact that this value comes subsequently to the prediction equation for calculating of % body fat, there were no noticeable significant changes on the variable of % body fat. The outcome of our study did not prove the necessary minimal 8 hours gap between measuring and VO2max load test.

body composition; bioimpedance analysis; recovery


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