Occurrence Of Defective Body Posture, Overweight And Obesity In Primary School Children: A Pilot Study
The aim of our work was to chart and analyse the occurrence of primary school children with defective body posture and its connection with obesity. The research sample was made of 204 primary school children (109 girls and 95 boys) of average age 8,1 ± 0,33 years (girls 8,3 ± 0,38, boys 7,9 ± 0,32). The probands average height was 134 ± 10,7 cm (girls 134,5 ± 11,6 cm, boys 134,1 ± 9,6 cm). The probands average weight was 31,1 ± 9,2 kg (girls 31,2 ± 9,8 kg, boys 31,1 ± 8,7 kg). Body height was measured with anthropometer, body weight was taken with Tanita BC571. The subjects monitoring of body posture was charted by a diagnostic system DTP-3. A device analyses the body posture by a non-invasive method. We have investigated that 10 girls were obese, 9 girls have excessive weight, 15 girls were robust, 47 are proportional, 24 slim and 4 girls are thin. From the research group were 9 boys obese, 9 boys had excessive weight, 11 boys were robust, 49 boys were proportional, 14 boys were slim and 3 boys were thin. From the results it is evident that in the area of neck lordosis none of the subjects appeared normal. From the sample, 13 subjects had a moderate deviation (6,4 %), 24 a substantial deviation (11,8 %) and 167 had a very substantial deviation (81,9 %). In the area of a loin lordosis there were 24 subjects in the normal range (11,8 %), 75 had a moderate deviation (36,8 %), 19 subjects had a substantial deviation (9,3 %) and 86 subjects had a very substantial deviation (42,2 %). In the area of a pectoral kyphosis there were 27 subjects were in the normal range (13,2 %), 56 had a moderate deviation (27,5 %), 58 had a substantial deviation (28,4 %) and 63 had a very substantial deviation from the normal range (30,9 %). From all the results it was obvious that 18 % of girls and 19 % of boys were in the group of over-weight or obese children and that in the sample of primary school children there were very clear deviations from a good body posture. This fact was discovered without any reference to their weight. A significant relation between normal of body posture and BMI was found just in the area of neck lordosis (p ≤ 0,002).
primary school children; defective posture; BMI; diagnostic system DTP-3
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