Migration Of Elite Athletes From Former Czechoslovakia In Years 1948–1989



The presented article deals with the migration of the Czech and Slovak sportsmen out of former Czechoslovakia within the years 1948–1989, i.e. under the rule of the so called “working mass dictatorship“. The sportsmen recruited were from the elite level, competing in national, European or Olympic level success. A heuristic historical method and documents analyses were used for data collection. 271 sportsmen were found (212 male, 59 female) in 37 Olympic sports. The data assessed the frequency of sportsmen-migrants involved in sports types, their destinations, domestication, motives and gender differences. The majority of elite sportsman-migrants were successful in their new life both in sport and professional domains. Some of them never returned, some returned after political changes in free Czechoslovakia 1990 or they have been living alternately in each country.

emigration; elite athletes; Czechoslovakia in years 1948–1989; Olympic sports


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