Impact Of SM-System Excercise In Level Of Postural Stability
The main aim of this study was to find out if exercise with elastic cord improved postural stability in an experimental group. Postural stability was measured by electronic balancing board with variable radius and integrated feedback. The exercise regimen was undertaken twice a week for 3 months. All participants were measured at the beginning of the study and then after 3 months. Participants had to stand on the electronic balance board during 30 seconds with eyes open and to attempt to keep the board balanced using feedback from the screen. The results were expressed by number from 0 to 100. Twenty-nine elite gymnasts volunteered for this study. Participants did not report any neuromusculoskeletal injuries or other diseases that may affect balance performance. Before participating in the study, all parents of gymnasts read and signed the informed consent form. The participants were assigned to a control group (15 girls; mean age = 13.78±1.62 years; mean height = 1.57±0.09 m; mean mass = 46.16±8.71 kg) and experimental group (14 girls; mean age =14.1±2.0 years; mean height =1.56±0.08 m; mean mass = 45.6±10.55 kg). The total time spent in training was 18 hours per week. The experimental group performed 2 hours plus of exercise with elastic cord. One of the aims of the study was to decide if the differences between pre-test and post-test in experimental group would occur. The paired samples t-test was used (p=0.006578; the significance level 95%). The intervention programme with elastic cord improved postural stability in a group of elite gymnasts.
balance board; balance; corrective exercise
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