The Comparison of Running Economy by Oxygen Uptake in Long Distance Runners on Asphalt, Cinder and Tartan
The purpose of this study was to compare running economy (by oxygen consumption) in long distance runners on three different surfaces (asphalt, cinder and tartan). Thirty Czech long-distance runners (age: 25.1±4.3 years, height: 183.2±7.4 cm, body mass: 72.4±6.0 kg, BMI: 22.5±1.4 and VO2 max: 65.8±5.2 ml∙min∙kg-1) participated in this study. We measured oxygen uptake by wireless, portable cardiopulmonary stress testing system (Oxygen Mobile, Viasys) on each surface during running speeds: 10, 12, 14 and 16 km∙h-1. Differences of oxygen uptake were assessed statistically using parametric ANOVA and post-hoc Tukey HSD test. We found significant differences between asphalt and cinder for 12, 14 and 16 km∙h-1. Differences of average values of oxygen uptake on tartan at 10 km∙h-1:35.2±2.8 ml∙min∙kg-1; 12 km∙h-1: 41.0±3.4 ml∙min∙kg-1; 14 km∙h-1: 47.8±4.2 ml∙min∙kg-1a 16 km∙h-1: 54.2±4.9 ml∙min∙kg-1; on cinder at 10 km∙h-1: 36.2±3.6 ml∙min∙kg-1; 12 km∙h-1: 42.5±3.9 ml∙min∙kg-1; 14 km∙h-1: 49.5±5.4 ml∙min∙kg-1a 16 km∙h-1: 56.1±6.8 ml∙min∙kg-1 and on asphalt at 10 km∙h-1: 35.0±3.7 ml∙min∙- kg-1; 12 km∙h-1: 39.8±4.0 ml∙min∙kg-1; 14 km∙h-1: 46.3±5.1 ml∙min∙kg-1a 16 km∙h-1 : 53.5±4.8 ml∙min∙kg-1. The lowest values of oxygen uptake was found on asphalt surface. The asphalt is probably the most favourable surface according to energetic aspect.
running economy; long distance running; oxygen uptake; running surfaces; oxycon mobile
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