Heart Rate Response to Game Load in Women’s Basketball



The study compares the intensity of game loads among individual player positions and between the first and second half of a basketball game. Ten female basketball players in senior category participated in this study. Four intensity zones were determined based on maximal heart rate (HRmax). Telemetric device Suunto Team Pack was used for monitoring the heart rate (HR) during the games. The mean HR during the games reached 88.1±3.9% of HRmax of total time. When we compared the players positions in individual intensity zones, we did not record statistical (p>0.05) nor practical significance and neither in % of HRmax (87.4±3.6 vs. 87.8±4.6 vs. 88.8±3.5; point guard vs. forward vs. centre). Moreover, when we compared the 1st and the 2nd half in individual zones and in % of HRmax (87.7±4.1 vs. 88.5±3.7)  there was no statistical significance (p>0.05) and the effect size coefficient shows a small effect. Players spent 76.3% of total time with HR greater than 85% of HRmax. The results indicate high physiological demands on female basketball players during the games without taking into consideration the player’s position. This information can be useful for planning and managing the training process as well as for comparison with training load. In similar future research we recommend the evaluation of time-motion analysis besides the internal response and thus a more detailed look at the examined subject in question may be reached.

intensity of load; maximum heart rate; basketball game


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