Influence Of Physical Factors On Performance Of The Students Of Physiotherapy At J. E. Purkyně University In Ústí Nad Labem, The Faculty Of Health Studies



The study contributes to further expand the knowledge regarding the basic level performance of the students studying Physiotherapy at Usti nad Labem, the Faculty of Health Studies. The study shows influential somatic factors on the performance. For the study purposes two hypotheses are set: the first one is that the basic level performance of the students studying Physiotherapy is indicated as rather stable during the first year of study, and the second one is that the basic level performance of the students studying the same programme is greatly influenced by somatic factors in motoric tests. The students performed the following tests: the 20m progressive shuttle run test, Katch-McArdle step test, two handed 2kg ball throwing test, standing broad jump test, body strength test with a horizontal bar, lie down-stand up 1 min exercise test, seated forward bend test and Iowa Brace test. Additionally, the somatic factors such as body height, body weight, lean body mass and body fat were measured. Active body mass and body fat of the students’ tested in the year 2014 were calculated using Body Jett device. The results show that the average BMI can be considered as normal in both groups. The student group of the year 2014 showed 31% higher level of body fat than normal. The basic level of performance of the first-year students studying Physiotherapy is stated as stable. The results confirmed that the students’ basic level performance is influenced by somatic factors.

physiotherapy; measurement and testing; basic physical fitness; lean body mass and body fat


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