Long-Term Athletic Development From The View Of Tennis Experts



This study analyses the views of Czech tennis experts with regard long-term athletic development in tennis. The aim of the study was based on nine structured open ended interviews to confirm and/or review the ways of achieving the top tennis performance. The study focuses on three topics of the problem – characteristic features of training, demands on successful players and the importance of sport competitions. The results revealed the importance of specialisation in the early age of children in tennis training, and crucially to maintain the principles of deliberate play and versatility as well. Psychological factors are frequently mentioned requirements for successful players. Based on the interviews with experts the ranking among top players in youth age categories is an important aspect for the player development. The research brings new and often required information for tennis federations, coaches, managers and researchers, dealing with the talent identification, selection and development.

long-term athlete development; early specialization; multilateral development; sports performance; tennis; talent; competition


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