College Basketball In Sport Globalization



The most important feature of contemporary top performance sport, as well as sport in general, is globalisation. It’s a natural reflection of the system where athletes migrate to other countries. The consequences are not only for the sport people themselves but also for the host or donor nations, sport leagues and teams. There are positive effects and benefits, but there are also disappointments and drawbacks as well. A core question in ascertaining the reach and response of globalisation in sport from the perspective of basketball. The best basketball players in the world go to play in the United States NBA. Teams bring in foreign athletes to gain a competitive edge over their competitors who are almost exclusively relying on national, or home-grown talent. One of the exclusive opportunities for European players to be part of such an attractive system of sport is to study at a US university and play in basketball team organised by National Collegiate Athletic Association. One such opportunity was taken advantage of by two young basketball players from Brno, in which they passed a strict and demanding selection process for the chance to be part amateur top basketball league NCAA and to study at an American university.

globalization; sport; study; basketball; scauting; amateurism

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