Introduction To Creative Movement, Dance And Theatre In Inclusive Context



Dance is known as a phenomenon of many forms, different significances and ways of application. It is part of life, part of regional and local culture, part of gifted artists and can enrich the life of many individuals with disabilities. Motivated by personal experience in practicing, teaching and investigating I would like to present some theoretical as well as practical perspectives in this field. Through recent exchange and cooperation with teachers and researchers in inclusive dance from other continents (Brazil, Canada, China) I will elaborate my view on the practices and critical reflections about goals and benefits of creative movement and dancing modalities. When including the use of dance and creative movement in physical education it seems appropriate to address the aspects of creativity, the significance of disability as well the importance of movement in its role for motor and personal development. Beginning with these issues this contribution will identify the factors that are supposed to promote personal development and quality of life – especially for persons with a disability. The introductory theoretical framework will set the scene for some practical examples (photos, videos, and eventually active try out).

inclusion; creative dance/movement; dance pedagogy; creativity; disability; personal development

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