The Results Of The Pilot Study Of Questionnaire SE-PETE-D, Which Checks The Trust Of Students Of Physical Education Teacher In Their Competence To Implement Classes In An Integrated Physical Education



The purpose of this work is the presentation of the questionnaire for Self-Efficacy Scale for Physical Education Teacher Education Majors towards the Children with Disabilities (SE-PETE-D), which should be used in the future to identify the self-efficacy of the students of teacher training in physical education. In addition, the paper also presents the results of a pilot study of standardisation of this questionnaire in the conditions of the Czech population. A key concept of the questionnaire is self-efficacy. and introduces the Canadian-American psychologist Albert Bandura (1997). A pilot study compared bachelor students that took part in the teaching of physical education, students of bachelor studies in adapted physical education and students of the follow-up master degree in adapted physical education. The results show that students of bachelor studies in adapted physical education have higher self-efficacy than students of bachelor studies in physical education.

self-efficacy; integration; physical education; people with disabilities


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