An Influence Of The Learning Program For Floorball On Game Skills Of Pupils In Elementary School
This dissertation deals with sport of floorball as a part of school physical education. The dissertation examines the learning program for teaching floorball and the degree of selected game skills of pupils in floorball in elementary school. The aim of this work was to check the influence of the learning program for teaching floorball on game skills of pupils in elementary school. The research was conducted on one set of pupils (boys) of fifth grade in elementary school in St. Gorazd school Zilina during sixteen lessons of Physical Education and Sports. Students played the game from a created teaching program. To find out the status of game skills of pupils, we used six tests: leading ball VL, shooting after leading ball SPVL, pass on the floor forehand PPVLF, pass on the floor backhand PPZB, pass on the floor after leading ball forehand PPVLF and pass on the floor after leading ball backhand PPVLB. Input and output aspects of these tests were given by statistical methods of correlation. Correlation showed that there were statistically significant changes (p < 0,05) between input and output aspects in all of the tests of game skills VL, SPVL, PPZF, PPVLF, PPVLB.
floorball; pupils; elementary school; game skills; learning program
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