Gymnastic Game As An Incentive To Modernize Teaching Of Gymnastics In Physical Education At Schools
Gymnastics is included in physical education at all school levels. Gymnastic skills learned in gymnastic games may specifically contribute to the development of pupils’ skills, promote physical literacy level, contribute to the development of selected components of physical fitness and stimulate movement creativity. Nowadays the concept of gymnastics as an apparatus exercise, is not sufficiently included in school physical education programs. The reasons are: unsatisfactory range of teacher preparation, traditional teaching methods or no equipment and apparatus at school gyms. One possible significant change in the approach of teaching is to use gymnastic games and newly designed types of equipment and programs created under the concept of curriculum Gymnastics for all (GFA). Gymnastic games along with modern apparatus are attractive, appealing and inspiring for specific movement skills. They improve safety of training, and expand the range of creativity. We assume that the modernisation and innovation of teaching gymnastics through gymnastic games will develop pupils’ level of competence, increase the level of physical literacy, increase the number of skills and become an important motivation for lifelong physical activity leading to a healthy lifestyle.
competence; physical literacy; gymnastic skills; creativity; innovation; game
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