Diagnostics Of The Level Of Elite Tennis Players’ Performance Predisposition (Longitudinal Study)
The contribution deals with the issues of the level and evolution trends of selected factors of sports performance in tennis. The intended research was to perform a longitudinal observation of the level of somatic and motor predisposition in two male tennis players, who had reached a high international level of performance in their adult age. The subjects were evaluated for development trends and compared with the data of male tennis players (national level). The research data was gathered using the test battery TENDIAG1 containing three somatic and six motor items. The results of both observed players clearly show that the total point score in the test battery was above (on two occasions) the boundary of the average level of the male tennis players’ population (national level). The level of body height and weight of both players was above average. The results confirm the importance of somatic, conditioning, and coordination preconditions for tennis.
junior tennis; case study; male elite tennis players; test battery
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