Performance Comparison Of Students Of Physical Education And Sport And Students Of Physiotherapy In Motor Tests



The aim of this study was to contribute the development of knowledge about the level of performance and health-oriented fitness of represented students of Physiotherapy in the Faculty of Health Studies Jan Evangelista Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem. We compare result values with the values that were obtained by the general population of students of Physical education and sport. Students that participated in these tests underwent: progressive run for 20 meters, 2 kg heavy ball throw with both hands, standing long jump with both legs together, flexed – arm hang forward grip for woman, sit-up test for 1-minute, deep bend in sitting position, Iowa Brace and calculated Body mass index (BMI). We asked two questions for our study. First, what is the level of motor skills in students of Physiotherapy academic students, what is the difference in the level of motor skills between students of Physiotherapy compared with general population and second, what is the difference between the level of motor skills in students of Physiotherapy and students of Physical education and sport. The results showed that students of Physiotherapy had the same level of motor skills as the general population. Students of Physiotherapy had the same level in only two tests – deep bend in sitting position – flexibility and flexed-arm hang forward grip.

physiotherapy; measuring and testing; physical education and sport and physical performance


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