The Change of 3-point field Goal Area Rule and Its Impact on the Number of Attempts and Successfulness of the 3-point Shooting of Elite Male Basketball Players U16 and U18



The article deals with the impact of the change of 3-point field goal shooting area rule (change of horizontal distance from 6.25 m to 6.75 m from the basket) on the number of attempts and the successfulness of 3-point shooting in age categories under 16 (U16) and under 18 (U18) years old male basketball players. The research sample consists of teams which took part in European Championships (ECH) in years 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012 in categories U16 and U18. The paper analysed 548 game statistics of all games played in both categories. When we compared the number of 3-point shooting attempts, before (ECH 2009, 2010) and after the change of rules (ECH 2011, 2012), we found a statistically significant difference in U16 (21.32 ± 5.58 vs. 18.31 ± 10.28; p < 0.01) and also in U18 (22.49 ± 5.14 vs. 20.01 ± 5.46; p < 0.01). When the percentage of 3-point shooting successfulness was compared between ECH 2009, 2010 and ECH 2011, 2012 the statistically significant differences were not determined in U16 (28.03 ± 10.17 % vs. 27.89 ± 10.28 %; p > 0.05) as well as in U18 (29.62 ± 10.51 % vs. 29.24 ± 9.77 %; p > 0.05). The results indicate that the changes probably appeared affect the game of monitored teams, therefore the preferred shooting in offensive phase of game was 2-point shooting. Furthermore, it was proved that the time period between individual ECH is long enough for the adaptation of players to the new rules.

basketball; 3-pointshooting; change of 3-point field goal area rule; shooting attempts; successfulness ofshooting


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