Physical Activities In Nature And Their Inclusion In School Curricula



Objective: The objective of this paper is to show what importance teachers place on physical education in nature during physical education classes and how they solve their inclusion in tuition as part of the school curricula introduced in basic and secondary schools in the Czech Republic. Method: All data was obtained by survey-based investigation. The survey contained closed and scaled questions, as well as questions that respondents could supplement with their own responses. Results: Compared with winter ski courses, summer tourism courses and water tourism courses were held significantly less frequently at schools. An interesting finding was that these courses are more popular at secondary schools than they are at basic schools. We assumed that this is largely for safety reasons, especially for water tourism courses. The results show that ski courses have found their place in virtually all school curricula and are implemented on a regular basis. The traditional method remains in use for the organisation of courses, with all aspects of a course being put together by the organising school. There is an increasing degree of emphasis is being placed on the staffing and organisation for ski training.

outdoor activities; water tourism; tourism; skiing; physical education; general and school curricula


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