Analysis Balanced Handstands
The research was focused on analysing balancing in handstand, as one of the fundamental physical structures of the sport of gymnastics. Its specificity is determined from the mechanical point of height, the size of the support surface and the overall equilibrium position in which maintain stability. The aim of the project was to optimise the training of standing on their hands, depending on the strategy of maintaining a balance in this unstable static physical structure. For a comprehensive analysis of the handstand the study used synchronised 3D kinematic analysis, stabilomathric measuring and EMG, which would reveal the inner core of outer performance of technique. It was a case study and the tested person was a student gymnast. We focused on changes in the angle of the hip joint ("shoulder - hip - knee") and shoulder joint ("wrist - shoulder - hip") in connection with the muscle activity observed muscles and muscle groups. With the application of this knowledge in practice, we can optimise the training.
analysis; handstand; balance; gymnastics
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