Rotation Of An Upper Body During The Golf Swing With Elite Players



The golf swing is considered as one of the most complex of sports motions. The aim of this study was to determine the selected kinematic parameters of movement of pelvic and upper body motion (shoulder rotation, hip rotation, X-Factor, stretch X-Factor) that affect the club head speed at ball contact in elite golfers. To build the upper body segment model spots were used and their position measured using a 3D kinematic analyser CODA Motion System. To determine the interindividual stability of performance the coefficient of variation was used and for statistical analysis of the relationship between kinematic and temporal parameters and the club head speed at ball contact the Pearson's correlation coefficient was used. We found a high interindividual stability in maximized shoulders rotation and club head speed at ball contact parameters. When analysing the relationship between the club head speed at ball contact and the observed kinematic parameters of the movement of the upper body only a high relationship with the stretch X-factor parameter was found.

Golf; X-factor; club head speed; kinematic analysis


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