Active Mass Quality And Segmental Distribution Of Body Fluids As A Precondition For Performance In Top-Performance Female Basketball Players
The article presents active mass quality (fat free mass, muscle mass) and segmental distribution of body fluids as a prerequisite of performance in elite female basketball players who were silver medallists at 2010 World Championship. The collected data indicated the level of fat free mass (60.96±5.35 kg) and muscle mass (57.07±5.0 kg) of these elite athletes. Fat mass showed a lower percentage than is presented by available literature (14.34±2.37 %). Based on the collected data, it is not possible to definitely express a trend in proportion for individual playing positions. Segmental distribution of body fluids revealed a symmetry in favour of a dominant upper limb (p < 0.01), which indicate the need to perform exercises in order to compensate for detected bilateral deficit. In conclusion, the authors discuss the necessity of continually monitoring changes in body composition quality and in terms of monitoring the individual components of water both direct and indirect measurable parameters in bioimpedance measurement, respectively.
body composition; fat free mass; muscle mass; fat mass; intracellular water
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