Specifics of Physical Activity Children Early and Middle School Age



When evaluating the physical activity of children, it is usual to maintain a standard classification of age. Early school age is a relatively wide stage from 6 to 11 (resp.12) old years. In the description and interpretation of data about the PA of children it is also important to take account the specifics of ontogeny in this age group and focus on a more detailed study. The aim is to compare the physical activity levels of children of primary schools in the various segments of the day and over a two-week period in terms of ontogenesis stages of development. Active energy expenditure (kcal × kg-1 × den-1) was obtained by the Caltrac and daily number of steps (kroky × den-1) by pedometers Yamax Digi Walker. Weekly measurements revealed significant differences in the PA (p <0,001) and between indicators PA monitored files observed in all segments of the day and week. The smallest difference in values was detected after school. For children of middle school, age remains AEE value during free time after school, which is the same as in the early school age. Values were lower at the weekends compared to other times.

physical activity; children; primary school; pedometer; accelerometer


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