The Comparison Of The Routines And Content Of Czech And Foreign Rhythmic Gymnastics Competitors



Performance in rhythmic gymnastics (RSG) is connected with techniques without hand apparatus, techniques with hand apparatus and emotional interpretation of music as a template for the final movement content in competitive choreographies. Based on the video analysis of individual exercises of Czech and foreign gymnasts and in terms of comparing the number of difficult elements in each routine, in relation to the code of points in RSG was assessed on selected competitors. From the results of the analysis, it is clear, that the Czech gymnasts chose a lower level of difficulty in their optional routines, which by comparison with the world elite gymnasts shows an overall lower level of mastery of technique without hand apparatus. The analysis of the results notes the need for changes in choosing difficult elements in optional routines of Czech gymnasts. This is especially the case when difficult elements are included with a corresponding higher rank. It is important to learn the basic movement structures of gymnastic skills inventory. Elite gymnasts choose routines a quarter more intensive and of the highest value elements compared to the Czech national team. For the mastery level of the skills with the highest value is needed to standardise youth sports training programs to improve the training process in relation to age of gymnast; his/her expected performance and the coaches expertise in the process of care for sport gifted youth.

rhythmic gymnastics; performance; difficulty elements; RSG code of points


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