Body Composition And Symmetry Of The Body Of The Top Czech Wrestlers



Physical activity affects body composition. It depends on the type of sport and the sports specialisation. Generally, the effect increases with the time of implementation of particular sport. Top athletes are a selected group of individuals with typical somatic features and characteristic of the sport (Přidalová & Zapletalová 1997). The aim of this study was to determine the body composition of top Czech athletes in Greco-Roman wrestling. We also investigated the segmental distribution of fluid in the body of each of the subjects and thus influence the Greco-Roman wrestling at the symmetrical development of the body. In total, we tested 12 subjects with a mean age of 22.0 ± 5.8 years. Body composition and segmental distribution of fluid was examined using multifrequent bioimpedancy analyzer InBody 3.0. The results show a high proportion of the active mass (FFM) and cell mass (BCM) and the low proportion of inactive fat mass (FM) compared with the general population. We found a high affinity cell mass (BCM) to basal metabolic rate (BMR) (r = 0,910). Based on our results we can say that Greco-Roman wrestling is a sport suitable for the muscles development of the whole body and this development is balanced for both sides of the body. We also found high proportion of muscle mass in the upper extremities and the trunk in comparison with the general population.

Greco-Roman wrestling; body composition; body water distribution


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