Comparison Of The Results Of Entrance Examination From Discipline Of Gymnastics For Academic Years 2010/2011 A 2011/2012
For many years, the discipline of gymnastics has been used as an important part of the entrance examination at many universities. It is also the same case at the faculty of physical studies at Masaryk University in Brno. There is a requirement to give an accurate picture of the level of motoric abilities and certain motion presumptions which are needed for studies of practical subjects such as gymnastics. There is more and more need to find the best choice of gymnastics equipment and also its content. It is also because of economic reasons. This was the reason why there were some changes to the entrance examinations in academic year 2010/2011 and 2011/2012. The most notable changes concerned the horizontal bar for women and the men’s trapeze bar. Examining these exercises, we tried to cover as much as possible the level of motoric abilities (in case of trapeze bar, force abilities), which could be helpful for managing new locomotive skills during gymnastics lessons. The exercises on the floor were spread into strengthening exercises whose aim was to show abilities of the applicants and how to control the body during complex movements. The monitoring unit created in total was 1037 – 509 for 2010/2011 (132 women and 377 men) and 529 applicants (140 women and 389 men) for 2011/2012. In the study, we tried to observe the differences in evaluation of individual disciplines for men and women in the entrance examination for academic year 2010/2011 and 2011/2012. The next aim for comparison was the mutual relationship between each discipline and their possible exchangeability in entrance examination for academic year 2012/2013. There was a visible difference between the evaluation of men and women on trapeze bar and it was in 2010/2011 and 2011/2012. Women achieved better results on the floor for both years. As far as the exchangeability of individual disciplines is concerned, correlation coefficients show possible exchangeability between trapeze for floor or floor for trapeze.
entry exam; gymnastics; bar; floor
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