Effects Of Combined Strength Training On Changes In Speed-Strength Performance In Young Hockey Players
Purpose of this study was to compare effects of general strength training with combined maximal strength and plyometrics training. Twelve young ice hockey players were examined during a 4-week general strength training (EX1) and subsequently a 4-week, combined training (EX2) regime. Combined training consisted of maximal strength workouts with 2-4 repetitions on 85-95% 1RM and subsequent application of plyometrics workouts with 6-10 repetitions. The training group performed 2 sessions per a week in 3 sets of exercises. The measurements were assessed before, between and after periods and consisted of specific tests performed on ice and non-specific tests off ice. The results showed that in EX2 period SJ improved from 33,3 ± 2,89 cm to 34,35 ± 2,80 cm by 1,05 cm (3,2%; p<0,01); CMJ from 36,51 ± 4,39 cm to 37,84 ± 4,36 cm by 1,33 cm (3,6%; p<0,01). Also in EX1 period SJ was changed from 32,48 ± 3,65 cm to 33,3 ± 2,89 cm (p<0,05). Anaerobic alacticpower (AAV) changed significantly in EX1 period from 42,09 ± 4,48 W.kg-1 to 42,72 ± 4,61 W.kg-1 (p<0,01) afterwards in EX2 period to 43,78 ± 4,44 W.kg-1 (p<0,01). In jumping performances, we measured in both periods significant improvements; standing long jump (SZM) in EX1 period from 246,25 ± 11,07 cm to 249,17 ± 10,32 cm (p<0,01) then in the end of EX2 period 253,58 ± 9,83 cm (p<0,01). Standing triple jump (3SK), agility run (10x5) and all specific test on ice were significant changes recorded only in EX2 period. 3SK from 722,42 ± 29,58 cm to 727,50 ± 30,64 cm; 10x5m from 17,00 ± 0,57 s to16,90 ± 0,57 s (p<0,01); on ice speed tests (1x36m) from 4,95 ± 0,10 s to 4,88 ± 0,09 s by 1,4% (p<0,01); (6x9m) from 13,73 ± 0,48 s to 13,63 ± 0,51 s by 0,8% (p<0,05); in speed endurance ice hockey skating test (Okr) form 14,79 ± 0,18 s to 14,67 ± 0,20 s o 0,8% (p<0,05). Ice hockey skill test parameters (Sla) did not change significantly in EX1 neither in EX2 period. It could be concluded that both periods had an effect on motor performance enhancement, but EX2 training period was more sufficient for improvement in speed-strength abilities especially in specific conditions on ice.
ice hockey; speed-strength abilities; combined training; plyometrics
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