The Relative Age Effect in Junior Tennis



The first publications about the theory of the age effect (theory of the influence of age) appeared in sports science in the 1980´s of the last century. Recent research into this particular topic has been rare. The theory is based on the assumption that the athletes born at the beginning of the calendar year are, mainly (in the junior age), more successful than later born athletes. This has been shown in many studies especially in ice hockey, soccer, tennis but also in other sports. This theme hasn´t been publicised in Czech kinanthropology yet, in principle of which we aim to present using research on the elite junior female players. The purpose of this study was to verify the influence of the age effect on the participants of the World Junior Tennis Finals (WJTF - tennis teams Championships U14) from 2007 to 2011.

date of birth; age; junior tennis; female players; World Championship


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