Comparison of Key Competency Endowment for Learning and Problem Solving in Pupils of the 9th Grade at Elementary Schools
This article deals with the question of whether the new reform of education will bring a better and more effective learning process for pupils involved in the development of life skills (key competencies) which are critical these days. The author compares the results of the education process in the field of key competencies included in two education programmes, the Elementary School Programme and the General Education Programme for Basic Education and/or The School Education Programme. The research was conducted in the year 2009 when the last 9th grade pupils were educated according to the Primary School Programme. 14 pilot schools throughout the Czech Republic implemented and tested the fourth year of teaching according to their own education programmes. For the comparison of these education programmes, an empirical method of non-standardised questionnaire was selected. The non-standardised questionnaire was based on a research and scientific Key Competencies Questionnaire supplied by the SCIO organisation. Testing the differences between the programmes was carried out using the Pearson’s chi-square test of contingency tables. Results showed insignificant differences, therefore, education programmes must pass through a long evaluation and assessment process to meet expected targets. The final section of the article is focused on the assessment of problems with introducing the General Education Programme for Basic Education to school syllables. The author presents recommendations for teachers at elementary schools and for academic staff preparing future teachers at universities.
general education programme; school education programme; key competencies for learning and problem solving; pilot schools; monitored schools
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