Fair Play In The Light Of Problems Of Today´S Sport



Sport as a social and cultural phenomenon plays a globally important role in traditional form of unique physical activity, but also as a spectator in the form of mass culture of growing number of people from all cultural levels, races, political and religious orientation. The importance of sport is growing on a level of mutual understanding of all nations and the educational role it generates above all a broader context of the standard of fair play and olympism. Sport has social impact on the level of leisure physical activity as well in relevant context of high-performance elite sport. Growing importance of maximal performance, victory, records and reward brings forth also new dimensions and apprehension of sport ethic and as a consequence puts before the sport public a new perspective of Olympic education in accordance with the fair play spirit. In such context we face new challenges not only on the field of physical education, but in all-round attitude to elite top sport.

sport; fair play; olympism; sportive ethics; culture; physical education; socialization


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