Body Composition And Distribution Of Liquids In Female Elite Handball Players



The topic of body composition in sport requires a great deal of attention. Excessive adipose tissue acts as a dead weight, especially in situations characteristic of a handball jump, when body weight must be repeatedly lifted against gravity during locomotion and jumping. The purpose of the study was to determine body composition and distribution of liquids in individual body segments in a national team of female handball players (n = 16, age 24,0±3,5 years, body height 176,0±6,5 cm, body weight 72,5±8,3 kg). Body composition was measured by means of a multifrequency bioimpedance method InBody (Biospace). The examined parameters were the following: absolute and relative amount of fat free mass (FFM and FFM/BW), percentage of fat mass (FM), absolute and relative amount of body cell mass (BCM and BCM/TH), total body water (TBW) distinguishing extracellular water (ECW) and intracellular water (ICW) and distribution of body liquids in individual segments. In the monitored group, we recorded the mean value of TBW = 42,58±3,99. The mean value of ICW was 28,92±2,53 l (67.92 %). The mean value of ECW was 13.66±1,57 l (32,08 %). FM made 20,16 ± 4,08 %. FFM for the whole sample was 57,82±5,27 kg; in relative values it was 0,80±0,04. The mean proportion of BCM in the monitored group was 40,47±3,55 kg, in relative values 0,56 ± 0.03. Monitoring distribution of liquids in the extremities only showed a significant difference in the upper extremities (t15 = 5,95; p 0,01). In the lower extremities, we found out an equal proportion of liquids with an insignificant difference between the observed segments (t15 = 0,41; p > 0,05). Individual parameters of body composition indicate values corresponding to elite sport. Interindividual assessment revealed differences in terms of player’s function; however, when assessing parameters of body composition, it is not possible to express clearly the trend in the dependence on player’s function. Results of our study may help ascertain a standard for comparison of body composition in female players of a lower performance level with the aim of optimisation and compensation of differences.

body cell mass; fat free mass; fat mass; elite sport; handball; muscle imbalance


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