Determinations Of Functional Characteristics Of Soccer Players



The aim of this contribution is to summarise the state of the functional characteristics of soccer players. The key points addressed in the study are motion model structures of a player in the game and physiological parameters that can affect a players’ performance in the match. Physiological parameters and model physical structures in football are addressed in a number of studies and constantly stress the need for sophisticated scientific approach to the players’ performance in the game. In the survey study, we proceed from the results and conclusions of studies published in foreign scientific journals or presented at important posts of scientific conferences. Player positions are characterised by distinct physical demands in the model motion structure and bioenergetic expenditure and planning training process should respect the following aspects. Players must match within a short period of time to react to changes in direction or manage football in the intensity of locomotion. During the match aerobic and anaerobic overlap metabolism in terms of intensity loads. The player must repeatedly perform in a match of high intensity with rapid recovery of energy resources and delaying the maximum fatigue emerging. The difference between elite and lower level players is the amount of physical activities performed at high intensities. Due to fatigue at the end of the game players appear to have diminished coordination and implementation of technical skills. Based on surveillance studies different views and determinants of the functional readiness of the player were identified. The dominant role is played by the following criteria: player´s level (professional, amateur, etc.), competition (international, national, etc.), post player, tasks player´s stage game and game system.

soccer; model motion structure; match; aerobic metabolism; anaerobic metabolism; fatigue


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