Validity And Reliability Of S3+ Accelerometer For Measuring The Walking And Running Speed With Polar RCX5 System



The purpose of this study was to evaluate the validity and reliability of the accelerometer S3+. This is an optional part of the new model heart rate monitor Polar RX5. Four endurance athletes completed treadmill (0% slope) graded exercise tests with an initial speed of 5 kmh-1 with the increase of 0.5 kmh-1 every 200 meters. The test was conducted to rejection. From 8 kmh-1 walking was altered to running locomotion. The test was repeated under similar conditions to determine the degree of measurement stability. The study results showed that accuracy of running measurement is within the error provided by the manufacturer (3%). For walking, the error rate is higher (10%). Reliability of measurements was observed in all parameters is high (r> 0, 80) except to the overall stability of the measurement of walking distance (r = 0.53).

accelerometer; reliability; validity; walking; running


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