Isokinetic Strength Profile Of Knee Flexors And Extensors In Young Soccer Players
The aim of the study was to present an isokinetic strength profile of knee flexors and extensors during concentric contraction in young soccer players. Knee flexor strength was evaluated during eccentric contraction. The research group was from young soccer players U17 category (n=19, age=16,4±0,3 years). All of them are from the highest level junior soccer league. Isokinetic strength was evaluated by isokinetic dynamometr Cybex Humac Norm in following angular velocities: 30, 60 and 120°/s in eccentric contraction and 60, 180, 240 and 300 °/s in concentric contraction. The results did not reveal significant differences at three different speed levels of knee flexor strength during eccentric contraction (p>0,05). Regarding the concentric contraction we found significant differences for strength production depending on angular velocity for both knee extensors and flexors (p<0,01). Knee flexors generated more strength during eccentric contraction compared to concentric contraction. The strength profiles developed in the present study can assist in the establishment of baseline data in young soccer players or for comparison values with other researchers.
isokinetic strength; concentric contraction; eccentric contraction; soccer
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