Sports Training Of Rhythmic Gymnasts In Early Childhood And Prepubertal Age
Systematic and adequate physical preparation is an important basis for achieving physical mastery in sport branch rhythmic gymnastics. Further preparation at the top level, cannot successfully continue without the mastery of basic movements, skills, specific technique and levels of difficulty with and without hand apparatuses. In the area of the development, we chose fundamental movement patterns: training locomotors and non-locomotors skills, music and movement education, classical dance technique (ballet training), development of flexibility, which is a limiting factor in rhythmic gymnastics; mastery of basic difficulty elements according to the international rules and basic skills in handling of hand apparatuses and equipment. Gymnastics movements and exercises are characterised by the gymnast´s body posture, keeping the body and body parts in space, rhythm of movement, and fluidity of movement, combining performance with music and the aesthetic experience during composition. Specifically, rhythmic gymnastics skills along with the psychosocial aspects of training are connected with general physical training. We would like to encourage gifted children and youth in the gymnastics sport clubs with the systematic rhythmic gymnastics training, which is adapted to current conditions and characteristics of the female sport. The main point is to increase membership and interest in the clubs, restore presentation of the Czech gymnastics school in the top positions at the world competitions.
rhythmic gymnastics; early childhood; pre-pubertal age; physical literacy
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