Analysis Of The Relationship Rhythmic Execution And Rhythmic Perception In Dance Sport



Dance sport, like other sports belongs to the aesthetic and coordinating field of sports; with high demands on most motoric skills. It requires mainly the ability to coordinate, which is often the limiting factor of performance in dance sport. Consequently, dance is synonymous with music and closely associated with the rhythmic capabilities, the paper will focus on detailed characteristics of the two rhythmic abilities, rhythmic perception and rhythmic execution. The research sample consisted of 153 test subjects in the age range 17-34 years. The experimental group consists of 104 dancers (53 women and 51 men). The control group consisted of 49 high school students. To examine the level of rhythmic perception, a test called rhythmic discrimination was used. To examine the level of rhythmic execution, a test called rhythmic drumming was used. The results show that dance sport has a positive effect on the level of selected rhythmic ability, the longer the subjects danced, the better the results achieved in tests. The paper confirmed a statistically significant relationship between rhythmic perception and implementation.

dance sport; coordination abilities; rhythmic abilities; rhythmic execution; rhythmic perception


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