Optimisation Of A Throwing Distance To Test Throw Accuracy Of 11–14 Year Old Children



Throwing accuracy is currently not being given enough development within school PE lessons. It is mainly being developed as a part skill for particular sports disciplines. This shortcoming may stem from the lack of a suitable test assessments for this skill. As can be seen in the literature, there has only been three throwing accuracy tests intended for school youngsters (Bös 2001, Mecner 1975, Měkota; Blahuš 1983). These tests consisted of a few repeated throws, which failed to distinguish throwing distance for boys and girls for all age groups and in addition requires a rather complicated graphic record of successful target hits that cannot be assessed easily and quickly during a PE lesson. The purpose of the study is to create a test for measuring throwing accuracy at a target, which eliminates the aforementioned shortcomings. The optimisation of the throwing distance is based on the condition of a normal Gaussian distribution of data related to individual throwing distances, and on the condition that an average number of target hits within the throwing distance will be close to 7.5 target hits. To assess the importance differences of observed throwing distances, the one-factor ANOVA (One Way Analysis of Variance) was used. The assessed group consisted of 105 boys and 114 girls from three randomly selected schools in Ostrava. Subjects were between 11 and 14 years old. Three throwing distances were determined (boys 6; 8; 10 m, girls 3.5; 5.5; 7.5 m) in combination with a vertical round target of 0.7m in diameter. Each subject used an overarm throwing technique and made 20 throws for each throwing distance. The test score was the number of target hits from the 6th - 20th throw (training: 1st -5th throw). The optimum throwing distances were identified for the accuracy test of a target throw for boys of the 11-12-year category (6 m), 13-14 year category (8 m), for girls of the 11-12 year category (5.5 m), 13-14 year category (7.5 m) while using a target of 0.7 m in diameter.

throw; accuracy; dexterity test; 11-14 year old children

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