The Speed Abilities Level Of The Sixth Class Girl Students Of An Elementary School With Extended Teaching Of Physical Education



This report sums up the results of research, carried out between the 2000 and 2009, into the sprinting abilities of year six female students undergoing additional physical education classes. Test results of motor skills are an important source of information which can be further used in structuring the process of physical education and sports training. Moreover, such tests can be widely used in physical education research, in physical training practice and as a means of selecting gifted students of sport. In total, 104 female secondary school students were tested. In brief, it is possible to conclude that throughout the period of the research, these year six female students had statistically significant sprinting abilities. This is an important finding for trainers and teachers as sprinting ability has a great impact not only on other athletic disciplines but also plays a role in other fields of sport. The research results can be compared to those of other year six students of similarly specialised schools in tests of sprinting abilities (50 metres sprint).

motoric tests; talented youth; sprint


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