Relation Between Selected Conditioning Tests And A Performance In Sport Climbing
Sport climbing is now seen as part of the fitness interests of the climbing population. This study clarifies the relationship between selected conditioning tests, anamnetic data and performance in sport climbing using OS or RP routes and the relationship between these ways of ascent climbing. The study describes the relationship between the different standardised tests selected from Eurofit test set (standing long jump, full forward trunk bend, pull-up hold, manual dynamometry and flamingo exercise), anthropometric data (body height, body weight, body fat ratio in %) and anamnestic data (length of climbing experience, climbing performance in terms Red Point RP, and On sight OS). The dependency measure is expressed by a linear regression with two dependent variables. The dependent variables express climbing performance in terms of RP and OS. The significant indicators for dependent variable RP in this given regressive model are length of climbing experience, pull-up hold, manual dynamometry and body weight. For the dependent variable OS, these are length of climbing experience, pull-up hold and manual dynamometry. After the application of a linear regression analysis with two dependent variables, the dependency measure between the RP and OS performance was formulated as a partial correlation rp = 0,745.
sport climbing; Eurofit tests; regression with two dependent variables
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