Kinematic Analysis Of Attack Hit Of Inside Attacker´S Volleyball Players
The aim of the work was to compare and subsequently evaluate an offensive attack on a volleyball court (zone 3) in various positions. The method of 3D cinematic analysis was used to describe and evaluate the kinematics of motion. The monitored group was 6 players of the extra-league level in men's volleyball. The result of the analysis was a description of the individual phases and key moments of the technique. The partial goal of the work was to demonstrate the high intra-individual stability of the execution of individual top-level players. All monitored players performed an offensive shot in the model situation several times in a row, and three attempts from each player were subjectively selected for analysis. Top-level players performing the same technique have been shown to have high inter-individual performance stability at key stages and moments. The measured results indicate that the implementation of this game activity requires a high degree of cooperation between the attacking and recording player.
volleyball; movement technique; kinematic analysis; spike; jump
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