Identification And Comparison Of Body Composition In Elite Judo Players
The authors present a higher percentage of fat free mass and a lower percentage of fat mass when examined by hydrodensitometry in elite judo athletes. The difference in both indicators of body composition between both examined groups was significant (p<0.05); however, we may see a better predisposition to sport performance in seniors when compared to juniors. The examination of body composition is important in terms of a sport performance predictor, as well as for monitoring changes while reducing weight. The form of reduction and individual limits of body weight remain the matter of further research. The method used was hydrodensitometry, which appears to be a very exact method when disturbing factors, participants learning phase, expiration and scales oscillation are eliminated. The measured low proportion of fat mass indicates a discussion about equations for calculation of total fat mass in the body and their modification and assessment of particular parameters or indicators.
hydrodensitometry; weight control; fat mass; lean body mass
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