Quality Of Life In Patients With Chronic Coronary Artery Disease: Effect Of Three Months Lasting Combined Endurance/Resistance Training
83 patients (men) with stable chronic coronary disease (mean age 62 ± 9 years, mean body weight 86± 11 kg, mean height 177 ± 6 cm, mean ejection fraction of left ventricle 47± 8%) were examined before and after three months lasting aerobic training combined with strength components. Before the training period symptom-limited spiroergometry was provided. Spiroergometry was applied for the evaluation of anaerobic threshold to decide on the aerobic training intensity. Load intensity for the strength training phase was determined by the method of 1-RM (30-60%). The training (exercise unit) was performed three times a week. The impact on quality of life was measured using SAQ (The Seattle Angina Questionnaire). The all five SAQ dimensions were significantly better after the training. Physical limitations (79,7 ± 19,0 vs. 84,9 ± 16,4*) stability of symptoms (78,2 ± 19,1 vs. 85,6 ± 16,1*) frequency of symptoms (83,5 ± 15,6 vs. 88,2 ± 14,5**), treatment satisfaction (87,8 ± 14,6 vs. 92,9 ± 11,5*), and disease perception (67,2 ± 19,7 vs. 73,8 ± 19,5**). Peak exercise oxygen uptake (VO2 peak) increased from 18,6 ± 3,1 to 19,8 ± 4,0** ml. kg-1.min-1 (*P < 0.05, ** P < 0.01, Wilcoxon).
combined training; quality of life; chronic coronary artery disease
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