Effectivity Verification Of A New Dance Program For High Schools



Due to decreasing interest of adolescent girls in any physical activity, a new dance program was created on three DVDs with samples of different dance styles and directions on how to teach them. The program follows the interest of the teenage generation and is based on modern methods from abroad. An experiment was conducted to verify the efficiency of the new dance program. The aim of the experiment was to compare the level of dance skills improvement. 4-way ANCOVA was used to evaluate the experiment. The covariates were dance program, after-school activities, age, teacher, pre-test performance. The results of the research enriched the field of dance education, especially the process of learning new dance skills. The new dance program improved the results of all music and motor skills and from the view point of development of specific dance skills it was considered very efficient. The level of music skills varied according to the age of research subjects, which showed the importance of creating programs with adequate content according to the students age. The research confirmed that dance skills were three-dimensional with three latent factors: rhythmic, memory and motor. The results also pointed out the fact that after school activities focus on improvement of dance motor skills (dance technique) but neglect the music and rhythmic perception, which is the main initiator of dance movement. Our results also confirmed that dance skills can be improved by a short-term dance program within the school P.E. lessons. The results of the research also showed insignificant effectivness of recent dance motor programs at schools in development of dance skills. The results contributed to the scientific field of dance education, especially the structure of dance skills. All the results were formulated from a pilot study and need to be ratified by additional research.

dance education; dance skills; dance program; modern dance styles; experiment

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