Snow Temperature During Cross-Country Skiing At Dynamic Thermography Image (Pilot Study)



It is known that ski friction increases snow temperature. Therefore, it is hypothesised that melted snow facilitates the ski movement. The aim of this pilot study was to ascertain the capability of dynamic infrared thermography to register the quick thermal changes at determined points before and after ski movement. The study monitored the snow before, immediately after and after 12 runs of recreational cross-country skiing by dynamic infrared thermography FLIR SC620 with image frequency 30 Hz. The findings revealed a significant increase of snow temperature (by 0,2 to 1,7°C); linear dependence of snow warming on ski movement speed and temperature increases after ski waxing. The study confirmed the dynamic infrared thermography ability to register very quick changes at determined points of snow temperature before and after (less than 0,033 s) cross-country skier movement. A further study will be opened to research the thermodynamics and gain a more profound understanding of cross-country ski friction and gliding on snow.

snow temperature; cross country skiing; infrared thermography


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